HUMANs Materials
Learn about HUMANs
- HUMANs basic slide presentation (short)
- MANual organization overview (medium)
- MAN Orientation Packet – select videos and documents to give an overview of the development journey and philosophy behind our version of Mutual Aid Networks (long)
HUMANs membership agreement
- HOME Economics 101: Overview of HUMANs’ cooperative economic framework, practices, and tools. 40 minute video made 10.28.22
- Description of economic and social tools for mutual aid with links to functional versions
MAN Basic Start-Up Guide
- HUMANs Dreamer membership - we can help you get started
- HUMANs Sister Site application - if you're joining as an existing project
- Mutual Aid Network 2-sided info sheet
- Mutual Aid Network interest sign-up sheet
- 2015 Donor Case Statement
- Graphic depiction of Resilience Crew vision
Learning Together
- Mutual Aid Networks Video Channels (look here for a variety of learning sessions, etc)
- Mutual Aid Network Elevator Pitch Workshop slides
- HUMAN Economy workshop 1.27.22 – learn about the thinking and philosophy behind Mutual Aid Networks’ economic tools. 1.5 hour video
- Mutual Aid tech meeting 1.27.22 – learn about the homeostatic mutual exchange (HOME) open source software network we’re using and building on. 1.5 hour video
- Solidarity Summit Recordings and notes (stay tuned while these get moved over from our old website)
Spring 2020 web meetings (raw recordings)
COVID-response related
- COVID Response Debrief 5.8.20 Topic: regional organizing part II Meeting Recording
- COVID Response Debrief 5.1.20 Topic: regional organizing Meeting recording
- COVID Response Debrief 4.24.20 Meeting Recording
- Topic: Graphic session COVID–>transformation 4.9.20
Date: Apr 9, 2020 11:24 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Resulting Graphic - COVID Solidarity Summit #1: 3.16.20 early days of stay-home orders
Everywhere Gardens
- Topic: Sunday Skool – Everywhere Gardens 5.10.20 rain
Start Time : May 10, 2020 01:57 PM
Meeting Recording - Topic: Everywhere Gardens Sunday Skool – planting plans 5.3.20
Start Time : May 3, 2020 01:50 PM
Meeting Recording - Topic: Everywhere Gardens 4.28.20 – toward recruiting and garden planning
Start Time : Apr 28, 2020 05:59 PM
Meeting Recording - Topic: Everywhere Gardens Sunday Skool 4.26.20 – prepping land
Date: Apr 26, 2020 01:51 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting Recording - Topic: Everywhere Gardens Sunday Skool – Soil workshop 4.19.20
Date: Apr 19, 2020 01:54 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting Recording: This is RAW and needs to be edited (video and audio split into 2 different recordings at some point. Feel free to check it out, offer to edit if you want! - Everywhere Gardens Sunday Skool – software, systems 4.12.20 Meeting recording
- Topic: Everywhere Gardens 4.7.20 feat. Dawn Morrison Working Group on Indigenous Food Sovereignty
Date: Apr 7, 2020 05:46 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting Recording - Topic: Everywhere Gardens 4.5.20: Setting up systems, testing the soil
Date: Apr 5, 2020 01:59 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting Recording - Topic: Everywhere Gardens 2020 #2 3.24.20
Date: Mar 24, 2020 05:44 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting Recording - Topic: Everywhere Gardens Sunday Skool 3.22.20
Start Time : Mar 22, 2020 01:14 PM
Meeting Recording - Everywhere Gardens Sunday Skool #1 3.17.20 Meeting recording
- Topic: Sunday Skool – Everywhere Gardens 5.10.20 rain
Mutual Aid Tools (Software, budgeting, financial tools)
- Topic: Posh Life workshop 5.21.20
Date: May 21, 2020 11:58 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting Recording - Topic: Common Money jumpstart meetup 4.22.20 (common good focus)
Start Time : Apr 22, 2020 03:53 PM
Meeting Recording - Topic: Common Funds for Housing Access and Land Stewardship Solidarity Summit 4.20.20 Meeting recording
- Topic: MAP (mutual aid platform) Orientation 3.19.20
Date: Mar 19, 2020 01:03 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting Recording - Topic: Mutual Aid Platform (MAP) Orientation 1.5
Date: Mar 25, 2020 01:56 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting Recording - Topic: Solidarity Economy Tech Interops meetup – updates and action plans
Start Time : Mar 7, 2020 12:51 PM
Meeting Recording - Topic: Posh Life Workshop 2/24/20
Start Time : Feb 24, 2020 02:01 PM
Meeting Recording - Topic: Solidarity Summit #1: Common Funds 2.20.20
Start Time : Feb 20, 2020 04:03 PM
Meeting Recording
- Topic: Posh Life workshop 5.21.20
COVID-response related
MAN Up Mapping Summit June 5-11, 2016
Participants with specialized interest and expertise came together to look at what we’d map and how, in order to maximize value flows and build a truly equitable, abundant local economy. We learned a lot that contributes to the design of mutual aid networks, and our confidence that they can change the whole global economy.
- Podcast (6:42): Voices of the Impact Economy: Stephanie Rearick on Mutual Aid Networks
- MAN presentation from 3rd Int’l Conference on Social and Complementary Currencies, 10.28.15
- MAN paper from 3rd Int’l Conference on Social and Complementary Currencies – overview and where we are
- MAN Youtube channel
- The Creative Destruction of the US Prison Industrial Complex: We Can Do It!
- The Timebanking Yarn Game – Instructions for basic, interactive game to demonstate how timebanks work. Download as Word Doc and Open Ofiice file (Open Office) and a PDF
- Nuts and bolts materials for timebanking – member forms, policies, etc from the late Dane County Timebank
- Mutual Aid Dreamtime Visioning Game-pdf and Dreamtime Visioning Game ODT (modifiable) This is designed to help you envision how you can use the tools of mutual aid to meet specific community goals, or start projects.
- The Build a Better World Game– for group project facilitation learning
Social Media Resource List
- Twitter: Mutual Aid Network Twitter page
- Facebook: Mutual Aid Network Facebook page