Fertile Underground Natural Cooperative, Providence, RI

This Cooperative was independently seeking and developing many of the collaborative online tools, outlined governance models, and resource-sharing strategies, which have now been found in the MAN!  The effect is akin to a time-warp, bringing us presently ready to engage regional membership, create, grow and road-test these elements in a mutually supportive global environment.  Starting from urban gardening and a worker-cooperative local grocery store, we are now contacting and educating current and former members of Fertile Underground about HUMANs.  Our already common trades, barters, exchanges, and work parties are a stepping point for integrating into the MAN processes and technologies, to gain a wider reach, and potentially involve many more people, projects and resources in our activity.

Our current objectives for 2016 are to begin hosting regular meetings throughout the state, restart operations of our buying club: complete with pick-up points, delivery option and a gleaning/food waste distribution, and through these actions to enroll and increase membership and cooperation within the FUNC-MAN.

Project Steward: Michael Giroux