Événement September 21-22 Solidarity Summit commence le 21 septembre 2024 à 10:00:00 HEC
The Potential of Games for Communities
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Lieu : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7433558070?pwd=NThPTUxxaDZEU2RLZVgvU2wwU1JIUT09 - 21/09/2024 17:00 - 21/09/2024 18:00 (TU) (1 heure)

The Potential of Games for Communities
Marcus Petz petzm@student.jyu.fi +358 (0)408211919

Marcus Petz is currently at the Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Jyväskylä University, Finland. He is currently looking at community economics with the Credit Commons Society. He is engaged in working in community currencies and rural regeneration. This he is doing on the Econet and Ecohana platforms.


Markus Petz will share his research on the effectiveness of games for learning within communities, focused on money-related games. 

With co-host. He is Davy Cleasby - a Dungeon Master!