Onward and upward. Seeing our mutual aid efforts bear fruit
Brainstorming for summit
Lieu : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7433558070?pwd=NThPTUxxaDZEU2RLZVgvU2wwU1JIUT09 - 17/03/2024 19:00 - 17/03/2024 20:30 (TU) (1 heure 30 minutes)

Humans United in Mutual Aid Networks (HUMANs) steph@stephanierearick.com +1 608 443-8229

Link to join

Let's see how we can work together to realize our dreams, both locally and globally.

We'll show the possibilities of our HOME software and peer support network, and how they can apply to your work.

Then we'll harvest what's happened in the summit, brainstorm how we can further our progress, and match people's offers and needs to support one another.