Virtual Supper Club
mars. 15
Online karaoke
Marilyn Lamermars. 15
Mutual Aid after a disaster, from chaos and survival to sovereignty and thrival.
Rosetta Buanmars. 15
Mutual Aid Supported Arts
Roundtablemars. 16
Is a Global Knowledge Sharing Platform possible?
Ryan Markwartmars. 16
Highlights, Annual Meeting and Board Election, and Next Steps
HUMANsmars. 16
Événement HUMANs March Solidarity Summit
commence le
15 mars 2025 à 10:00:00 HEC
Overview and Memory Lane
Lieu : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7433558070?pwd=NThPTUxxaDZEU2RLZVgvU2wwU1JIUT09
15/03/2025 15:00
15/03/2025 16:30
(1 heure 30 minutes)
First we offer an overview of HUMANs and this summit. Then we invite you to introduce yourself and your work, and share highlights of your story and where you are now, including visuals if you like. The aim is to remember all our successes and how it feels the momentum we want, and then create our next level-up.