Econet Action Plan. Call for Action! 1pm CST
12/14/24, 7:00 PM - 12/14/24, 8:30 PM (UTC) (1 hour 30 minutes)

Econet Action Plan. Call for Action! 1pm CST
Andrius Kulikauskas, Marcus Petz, Jere Northrop,, +370 607 27 665, +358 40 821 1919, +1 (716) 870-6473

Andrius Kulikauskas received his PhD in Mathematics in 1993 from the University of California at San Diego. In his lifelong quest to know everything and apply that knowledge usefully, he documented a variety of conceptual structures which fit together as Wondrous Wisdom, a language of wisdom. From 1998 to 2010, he led Minciu Sodas, an online laboratory for serving and organizing independent thinkers. Since 2022, he leads Math 4 Wisdom, an investigatory community for absolute truth. In 2024, he and Jere Northrop cofounded Econet. Andrius was born in California and lives in Lithuania.

Marcus Petz received his PhD in Social and Public Policy in 2023 from the University of Jyväskylä for his research in community currency for rural renaissance. At Minciu Sodas, he led the working group on meaningful inclusion. He is currently a thought leader at Econet ( exploring ideas around SynchroFi, community economics and developing the practical application of a method of inquiry using the language of Wondrous Wisdom. His academic interests extend to resilience, rural regeneration and heterodox thoughts on money and monetary innovation. Marcus was born in Mercia, UK, and lives in Finland with his family.

Jere Northrop received his PhD in Biophysics in 1969 from Syracuse University. Since then, as an inventor, he has pioneered ecotechnology in waste management, cofounding Bion Technologies and more recently, TimberFish Technologies. In parallel, he has developed the Relational Symmetry Paradigm and expressed that with an artificial language, ODODU. Since 2023, he leads the Language of Wisdom Study Group at Math 4 Wisdom. Jere lives with his wife, artist Lynn, in Western New York State, where he was born.

note: Please be sure to check the time against your own time zone! This is 1-2:30pm CST

3 Regular Talks, one after the other, 15 minute presentation and 15 minute discussion, Andrius Kulikauskas, Marcus Petz, Jere Northrop

Econet Action Plan. Call for Action!

Andrius: 1) learn about ourselves,

Marcus: 2) learn about our society,

Jere: 3) learn about our environment.

Andrius: 1) Learn about ourselves

Econet ( is an online community of citizen scientists who work together as both ecological thinkers and ecological practitioners. The Econet action plan for 2025 is a novel three-layer research program which hypothesizes that ecological living is rooted in empathy for others in our environment, which is rooted in empathy for ourselves, which is rooted in our own self-knowledge.

How can we learn about ourselves? A team at collects conceptual frameworks - dichotomies, trichotomies, tetrachotomies - considering especially those that illustrate a dialogue between three minds within us: one that answers, one that questions, and one that investigates how to align the other two. Can we recognize such voices within us? and thus make sense of our inner tensions?

Marcus: 2) Learn about our society

How can we learn about our society? A second team collects and systematizes the ways that economists figure things out. This is uncovering the arbitrary justifications for property, the dialogue between use value and exchange value, the centrality of the functions of money, the properties which relate these functions, and the ultimate purpose of meaningful inclusion. Making sense of economics should allow us to make sense of community economics. Are they the same discipline? Or do they differ in their methodologies, assumptions and possibilities? How can economics serve community? What initiatives foster a healthy economic culture? Is there a logic of circumstances and stages, as posited by syntropic finance?

Jere: 3) Learn about our environment

How can we learn about others in our environment? A third team experiments with 70 liter tabletop units pioneered by Jere Northrop of TimberFish Technologies. A citizen scientist places muck from a local pond into an aquarium, feeds it wood chips, and shows the resulting microorganisms and worms suffice to sustain small fish. This ecobox (ecosystem-in-a-box) serves as a model organism. A network of enthusiasts in all bioregions can thus perform tests and share data about these standardized miniature ecosystems. They can give the ecosystems problems to solve, and observe how they figure things out. Do these ecosystems exhibit the three minds? Can they help us make sense of natural systems such as woods or swamps or lakes?

These three investigations apply our human empathy in learning about ourselves, our society and our environment. We may thereby develop a language of wisdom by which we comprehend, transcend and extend the limits of our empathy.