Wellness Oriented Mutual Aid Network, Waterville, KS

Social injustices affect mental, social, intellectual, physical and spiritual health that cause relationship and disengagement issues for individuals, families, employers and communities.  Tax­payers subsidize the ongoing costs associated with incarcerations
and the downward poverty and trauma cycles that affect families and communities.

The WOMAN aims to weave with the MAN to link best ­practice resources so every person and community can reach their potential.  Since many best practices are not covered under the existing health insurance system, we are also developing the Wellness Weavers Health and Wellness Cooperative.
Our Community Service­ Learning project hubs are a family ­centered morphed model that combines best practices from Quality Early Childhood Learning Centers, disaster response­ recovery centers, and the Clubhouse International/Settlement House models to support our volunteers with holistic wellness behaviors.  Our assessment forms make individuals the center of their wellness plan and match volunteers to teams needed for various projects.  Volunteers earn Health Bucks for virtual or in­ person service and spend them for classes, events, and services within the WOMAN.   Our Waterville, KS campus has service­ learning options and residency options for members that want to join the WOMAN.  We willingly collaborate with MAN to create templates to adapt to their settings.
Project Steward: Helen Stucky Weaver