Evento September 21-22 Solidarity Summit comienza el 21 de septiembre de 2024 a las 10:00:00 -0500
Welcome and overview
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Ubicación: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7433558070?pwd=NThPTUxxaDZEU2RLZVgvU2wwU1JIUT09 - 21/09/24 15:00 - 21/09/24 17:00 (UTC) (2 horas)

We'll do an overview of the HUMANs cooperative network, and of the summit itself. Then we'll dive into the heart of the matter, getting to know each other including (but not limited to) our mutual aid-related projects. This will help us identify synergies and potential avenues of collaboration, which we'll explore more in-depth through the summit and beyond.