Intro to Sociocracy with Kathy Sipple and John Buck
Ubicación: - 16/03/24 17:00 - 16/03/24 18:30 (UTC) (1 hora 30 minutos)

Intro to Sociocracy with Kathy Sipple and John Buck
Kathy Sipple +1 219-405-9482

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Sociocracy is a form of governance and collaboration that builds in important work practices that are deeply inclusive and also help us to find our most effective roles and ways of working together.

In order to learn more fully about Sociocracy for effective collaboration, we'll practice sociocratic proposal forming and facilitated consent decision-making. See how it works and how you can apply it in your work.

Kathy Sipple

Kathy Sipple is a certified sociocracy facilitator, author, and serial entrepreneur/innovator, currently working on climate issues and building region resilience in Northwest Indiana. She is a life-long learner, currently absorbed in deepening her understanding of nature-based climate solutions and indigenous wisdom. She is a master naturalist, reiki master/teacher, timebank founder/coordinator, and certified permaculture designer.

John Buck

Governance Alive

John brought sociocracy to the English-speaking world beginning in 1990. He continues to enjoy encouraging the development of organic organizations that operate with a lively, multi-hearted sense of being. He resides in Silver Spring, Maryland, USA with his wife, Ramona, an internationally certified mediator.