Convocatoria de propuestas

HUMANs March Solidarity Summit


We will accept a broad range of suggestions. Sessions tend to be roundtable interactive conversations but we're also open to presentations and hosted games or other fun activities. Let us know what you have in mind!


Llenar este formulario para proponer su plática.

Session Types

  • Regular Talks. These are standard talks with slides, allocated in slots of 30 minutes.
  • Roundtable Conversations These can be on any requested topic related to mutual aid. Are you requesting the topic or would you also like to host?
  • Open Space
  • Would you like us to host an open space session where people can propose a variety of topics offered simultaneously? What topics would you like to discuss?

Acuerdo de la presentación

Requerimos que los oradores acepten un acuerdo en el que se comprometen a:

  • Entrega puntual del material de presentación (diapositivas) para su publicación en nuestro sitio web.
  • Permitir la grabación del audio y video de su presentación, para publicarlo en nuestro sitio web.