September Solidarity Summit follow-up
Notes, slides, recordings

Hello HUMANs,

Thanks to those of you who made it to our September Solidarity Summit! We had a lovely time. And whether or not you were able to attend, you can still benefit from it by checking out what happened. Here's our follow-up:

Slides with notes and links are here.

Here are the recordings that are ready to share. The Offers and Needs Market/Wrap-up session needs some editing in order to be shareable, so we'll make it available upon request. Just email us at

HUMANs Solidarity Summit 9.21.24 Session 1: Welcome and Overview

And we'd like to make our summits suit you better! Please fill out this survey to let us know how to do that.

Next summit will be December 14 and 15, and you're welcome to help shape it by offering tracks here.


Last but not least - we have a lot of new members! We have so much potential to make cool matches at our marketplace, and you can kick-start that process by using it yourself. In fact, that's the ONLY way to make it work. And it's fun! Have at it.

Enter and reply to offers and wants at our marketplace. If you run into obstacles, email us at to ask for help. That's what we're here for!

And feel free to come to any events you find at our calendar.

Start writing here...

Stephanie Rearick on Radio 2050
Check out this newly-released podcast!